In the last 8 months, both Public and Private Sector companies are waking up to the inevitability of GDPR becoming fully in force in May 2018. With less than a year to go, does one have at least a road map and programme to show commitment towards effectiveness, even if such takes one beyond that data?
A key feature is getting Senior Management buy-in. Practical business drivers from our clients include some possibly unusual logic:
- Compliance: Reputational hit causing fall in share price: Remediation cost from cyber-attack far exceeding national fines: Inability to bid ono contracts if not GDPR effective
- Operational efficiency: GDPR compliance as a catalyst for other strategic records management: Moving to the cloud can be accelerated; Mergers & Acquisitions can be facilitated.
- Revenue (?): BEng GDPR effective early providing competitive advantage: Greater ability to mine data for new products and services if masked.
Underlying all these drivers are the fundamental aspects of Security – both external Cyber defence as well as internal masking; and of Data Life Cycle Management – for the capture, classification and execution of GDPR tasks such as data portability.
So let’s take a fresh look at how one can not only meet the GDPR expectations of respect for personal data, but even make a business advantage out of the necessity to be ready. With Senior Management engagement, a programme can be advanced by swift and effective Data Discovery and a time-economic exposure / tasking assessment achieved.

David Kemp
David contributes to business development in EMEA for HPE Software. He provides experience and guidance to senior corporate officers to address current and future Information Management & Governance challenges. By original profession he is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales, having obtained a Masters Degree in Law from Oxford University, though no longer practising. Currently he is using his experience to advance the GDPR programme of HPE, amongst other facilities.
Wakaru Events in co-operation with JSM Consulting are once again arranging ToolsDay on 31st of August 2017 in Helsinki, Finland. ToolsDay is about utilizing, managing and deploying tools of IT Service Management and Project Management. David Kemp is one of the keynote speakers. Learn more: