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Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation: Checklist for basic settings to get started with PSA

Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation: Checklist for basic settings to get started with PSA

Antti Pajunen, Innofactor Oyj
Lähde: Antti Pajunen, Innofactor Oyj

When implementing Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation, there are some basic settings that need to be configured to get started with the solution. I have listed the basic settings needed to get you on your way with PSA. There are of course other customizations like the Business Process Flows for the Project and Invoice entities as well as possible form customizations but those are always driven by business specific needs and processes. The need for the basic settings is the same for every organization. One thing to keep in mind is that the basic settings are instance specific and may not necessarily transfer in solutions. So remember to configure the settings to all your instances.



Currencies and Exchange Rates

Define currencies and exchange rates used in D365 CE.

Unit Groups

Define the base units the products/services are available in. For example, if the base unit is a two-liter bottle, then that product could be sold individually as a two-liter bottle or in a case containing 6 two-liter bottles.

Organizational Units

An organizational unit is a group or division that employs billable resources with cost rates that are distinct from other such groups or divisions in the company. An organizational unit is separate from a business unit in Dynamics 365.

Transaction Categories

Superset for Expense Category definitions. For example travel.

Expense Categories

For example per diem domestic, domestic airfare, mileage.

Fiscal Year Settings

Define the fiscal year.

Product Catalogue Items

Defined when selling products like licenses or tangible goods.

Resource Roles

For example lawyer, consultant, developer.

Resource Skills

For example patent law, agile, scrum, certificates etc.

Proficiency Models

How good a resource is at a specific skill. For example Familiar/Good/Proficient.


Resources are booked on projects and need to be defined.

Price Lists

Both Sales and Cost price list must be defined.


Manager needs to be defined on every resource so that submitting vacations and absences via time entry works.

Business Closures

Defines when the business is closed. For example Christmas, Labor Day etc.

Work Hours

Work hours per resource. Found under Settings -> Security -> Users -> select record -> select related records, Work Hours.

Work Hours Template

Work hours template for a project and resources. Uses the Work Hours setting of the selected resource.

Project Template

Work Breakdown Structure is under the project template. The template, with the WBS, sets the framework for the project.

Invoice Frequencies

Used when invoicing follows a predefined schedule (once a week, once a month etc.).

Additional Parameters

Settings for, for example, resource allocation: central/hybrid and Allow skill update by resource.


All my blog posts reflect my personal opinions and findings unless otherwise stated.